if people who keep their cash think they're going to heaven, i'd suggest they find a teeny, tiny camel to help them make their case
- paraphrased, matt casper
i read a really good (and short) book today,
Jim and Casper go to church. basically, this guy pays a self-described atheist to visit a variety of churches in the united states and get his opinions. it is quite telling.
request it at your local library.
the face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face
a simple song in several stanzas
winter - be gone.
remove thyself from minest presence.
take thy despicable cold and white degredation elsewhere.
leave charlottetown alone already.
there was a crazy storm here this saturday night. we got about a foot of snow in two or three hours. so everything was cancelled on sunday morning. one of my favourite things about easter is getting up to see the sunrise on sunday. sadly, this did not happen. next year?
why does the weather have such power over my demeanor?