the blog of
dan carlson
one more cup of coffee 'fore i go...
man, this is a good bob dylan song. i don't know if i've mentioned this before, but the website the hype machine, is one of the best things indie rock has going. it aggregates all of the mp3 blogs out there into one searchable list of unradiofriendly goodness. why, just this morning it hooked me up with these great live feist tracks. yeah, so, check it out.

and now the real (and completely unrelated) point of this post, if you live in waterloo, and perchance want to play some pickup ultimate then go to gmail, log in as ultimateinwaterloo (password:frisbee) and add your name to the list in the first draft under 'saved drafts'. just like ottava. then, when there's a game of pickup, just send an email to the group and tell everyone. tell your friends (and the enemies you can be civil to on the frisbee field).
needed: modeling clay
why does modeling only have one l? inconsistency rushes at me from every frickin literary side. now i begin to understand why people move to america. it is so they can spell words easier. words like 'thru'.

each day this week i have been listening to canada reads. each year the cleverly titled cbc show 'between the covers' (it is about books) chooses some famous (as famous as canadian book-loving types can get, anyhow) people to select a book that they think canada should read. i had heard about it before, but my friend lyndsay (h.b.l.!!) was the one who reminded me that this years addition was coming up soon, and that one of my favourite song writers (john k. samson, of the weakerthans) was defending the book 'a complicated kindness'. truth be told, i read half of the book before and gave up on it when it got to be hard slogging (not to mention depressive) around the 2/3 mark.

it is an interesting book. it is full of wit, and it is about a girl growing up in a mennonite community in the prairies. maybe i will give it another shot. maybe it will help me understand mennonite girls better. it seems like all of the dans are marrying mennonite girls these days.

but what listening to this series has really made me want to do is create. something. anything. songs or books or long and elaborate synchronized dance routines. i don't know what it is about this discussion that makes me feel this way. maybe it is just all of the talk about words and the power they have to work their way inside you, stir you to movement and change, shape the way you see the world. i sometimes get like this when i am around people who are brilliant musicians, or phenomenal painters. we need more art. i have seen a lot of paintings, and cathedrals, and sculpture, and liked them. but you would think, that after so many years and decades and centuries of people living and dying and creating all the while we would have enough (watercolours, architectural wonders, statues). but it is not so. not at all. we must have more art and new art and everyone realizes this. this is an amazing human truth. now, what to create...
resume creation == mind numbing boredom

Daniel Carlson
(519) ***-****


Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering (Co-op) from the University of Ottawa completed December 2005

Skill Set:

Web Application Creation
- Well versed in PHP, Perl, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, RSS, the Apache webserver and various other web-related technologies through the creation of dynamic websites for various organizations.
- Well acquainted with standards-based design through my time working with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and PWGSC.

Software Development
- A thorough understanding of the Java programming language. Experience creating Java-based networking applications and GUI-driven programs.
- Experience creating C applications and algorithms in various school-related projects.
- Experience writing Perl scripts to interact with local file systems and traversing the internet to capture and categorize web data during my time at PWGSC.
- Several months experience testing software applications for the Digital Signal Processing market has given me a good understanding of testing's role within the software development life-cycle.
- Good experience with various Software Engineering tools including modeling languages (UML, SDL), some limited experience with testing frameworks and collaborative development repositories.

Hardware Design
- A good understanding of processor / circuit architecture cultivated through many laboratory projects throughout my undergraduate degree.
- Experience writing a variety of VHDL programs in university laboratories. Used VHDL in a 4th year group project to allow a robot to follow a set path using optical sensors and servo motors.
- Gained a general understanding of assembler programming through experimenting with Motorola's M68HC12 in various University Computer Engineering classes.

Information Technology / Information Management
- Experience with many different operating systems including many varieties of Windows, Linux (primarily Red Hat), and Unix (Mac OS, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.).
- Well versed in many networking topics through instruction and projects within several university classes on various topics (including Wireless networking, Network topology, Internet Protocols, Load management, Network security, etc.).
- Some experience with various Unix Scripting languages.
- Acquainted with many common engineering and business software products and protocols including Matlab, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, FTP, SSH, Telnet. I type approximately 75 words per minute.

- Gained valuable experience in communicating with customers through working with community businesses while working with the Community Access Program.
- Furthered my communication skills through working with groups on many projects in university, and during previous employment at LMS Intl, PWGSC, and the CIHR.

- Learned how to work well with the development team of LMS to ensure that software problems were fixed promptly and efficiently.
- I further developed my ability to work efficiently as a team member on many projects with lab partners in University, in particular on a fourth year project involving a roving robot which used Infrared sensors to plot its environment on a PDA.

Work Experience:

Enterprise Architecture Student
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Gatineau, Quebec (Co-op Term, May 2005 - August 2005)
> Created a Perl application to find, collect and organize pertinent web data into a pre-existing group database.
> Updated and partially re-coded an existing PHP web application for improved functionality. This included the manipulation and creation of various tables in a large MySQL database.
> Researched new methods to organize departmental data in a more relational manner.
> Gained a new respect for and understanding of Enterprise Architecture methodology, standards and function.

Web Content Editor
Canadian Institutes for Health Research
Ottawa, Ontario (Part-time Job, February 2005 - April 2005)
> Employed as part of a team to modify static content for compliance with the Government of Canada's web standards.
> Worked with clients to ensure their documents were rendered properly and to their satisfaction.
> Used a customized web-content management system to create and modify pages within a large online system.

Quality Assurance Engineer
LMS (Leuven Measurement Systems) International
Leuven, Belgium (September 2004 - November 2004)
> Tested pre-release versions of noise and vibration testing software to ensure they met quality standards.
> Worked as part of a Quality Assurance team and interacted with the developers to correct bugs in the software.
> Gained a more thorough understanding of the Product Development cycle.
> Gathered stress-testing data on new software releases for the marketing department.

Technical Coordinator / Volunteer Camp Staff
Camp Aush-Bik-Koong
Walford, Ontario (Summers, 1999 - 2005)
> Enjoyed gaining teamwork experience through working with many different staff over several summers to create the best camp environment possible and through mentoring younger cabin leaders.
> Led many separate cabin groups of various ages through a rigorous week of team-building activities.
> Created and maintained Microsoft Access Databases for camp staff and campers.

Volunteer Board Member / Student Worker
Huron Shores Community Access Program
Iron Bridge, Ontario (1996 - 2000)
> Served as a member of the CAP board with the goal of using public funding to establish a center where community members could access the internet and obtain free computer training.
> Provided expertise for the purchase, installation and maintenance of a small network of computers accessing the internet.
> Worked with local businesses and organizations to develop specific web content focusing on their products and services.
> Developed peer-training skills by teaching members of the community basic internet and computer skills.


References available upon request
today's episode of 'words i always get wrong'
for years i thought this was one of those uppity english ways of spelling the word 'panache'.

panacea, noun: hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists [syn: nostrum, cure-all]
does being a bishop ever get you into parties or concerts for free?
torontonians unite, on tuesday the ninth of may, and come to empire remixed.

you ever feel like you are just treading water?
jesus saves flies again

today i went with steve to the heritage seminary library and i took out this book: american jesus: how the son of god became a national icon. a (better) picture of this float is on the cover. complete float story here. in fact, take a gander at all of shipoffools' gadgets for god (make sure to note the 'firebible'. now you know what to get me for my birthday...). oh man, you cannot even imagine what i would give for a jesus this big.

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