the blog of
dan carlson
he who gives to the poor lends to the lord - proverbs
i am reading a very good and very convicting book at the moment, 'the new friars' by scott a bessenecker.

you should read it to.
ruining the ecstatic moment of discovery since 1981
one of my worst traits is that i find it nearly impossible to not blurt out the secret ending to movies i am watching as soon as i figure them out. insufferable know it all. it is sooo difficult to quiet that voice that's screaming inside your mind "IT'S NOT HIM, IT WAS HIS TWIN BROTHER THE BUTLER BECAUSE OF THE SCAR ON HIS ANKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i'm going to learn. got to.

also, if i haven't made you my friend on facebook or responded to your kind message, it is because i gave up addictive internet sites for lent. : - ).
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