the blog of
dan carlson
charlottetown airport, you are small and mostly boring but i love your insecure visitor computers
hello internet denziens.

i hope you are well. i am well. i am thirty eight minutes away from getting on a flight to take me to ottawa and pam. it has been delayed by two hours, but i am ok with that because i needed to finish off that harry potter book anywayz.

my life has become more complicated recently. i needed more stuff to do, so i applied for some part time jobs in the fall. in january one place hired me on for a project, and then, another called me up and said they got the funding they needed to hire me. so now, i am very well employed. some might even say i have a surplus of employment. i am very thankful for the work, though, because both jobs will help my resume so i can get a better job in ottawa when i land back there in the fall.

the music the c-town airport plays is eerie. very eerie. think fun house mirrors and cheezy early-sixties science fiction tv. i feel as though at any moment a spacesuit wearing clown will jump out of that baggage carrousell opening. the airport also has a big plastic cow in it. very small eyes on that cow. it's also very boxy. ok, i'm gonna do some work. or, um, read wikipedia for a while. the article on snowflakes is fascinating, fyi.

be cool.