Daniel Carlson
(519) ***-****
Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering (Co-op) from the University of Ottawa completed December 2005
Skill Set:
Web Application Creation
- Well versed in PHP, Perl, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, RSS, the Apache webserver and various other web-related technologies through the creation of dynamic websites for various organizations.
- Well acquainted with standards-based design through my time working with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and PWGSC.
Software Development
- A thorough understanding of the Java programming language. Experience creating Java-based networking applications and GUI-driven programs.
- Experience creating C applications and algorithms in various school-related projects.
- Experience writing Perl scripts to interact with local file systems and traversing the internet to capture and categorize web data during my time at PWGSC.
- Several months experience testing software applications for the Digital Signal Processing market has given me a good understanding of testing's role within the software development life-cycle.
- Good experience with various Software Engineering tools including modeling languages (UML, SDL), some limited experience with testing frameworks and collaborative development repositories.
Hardware Design
- A good understanding of processor / circuit architecture cultivated through many laboratory projects throughout my undergraduate degree.
- Experience writing a variety of VHDL programs in university laboratories. Used VHDL in a 4th year group project to allow a robot to follow a set path using optical sensors and servo motors.
- Gained a general understanding of assembler programming through experimenting with Motorola's M68HC12 in various University Computer Engineering classes.
Information Technology / Information Management
- Experience with many different operating systems including many varieties of Windows, Linux (primarily Red Hat), and Unix (Mac OS, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.).
- Well versed in many networking topics through instruction and projects within several university classes on various topics (including Wireless networking, Network topology, Internet Protocols, Load management, Network security, etc.).
- Some experience with various Unix Scripting languages.
- Acquainted with many common engineering and business software products and protocols including Matlab, Eclipse, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, FTP, SSH, Telnet. I type approximately 75 words per minute.
- Gained valuable experience in communicating with customers through working with community businesses while working with the Community Access Program.
- Furthered my communication skills through working with groups on many projects in university, and during previous employment at LMS Intl, PWGSC, and the CIHR.
- Learned how to work well with the development team of LMS to ensure that software problems were fixed promptly and efficiently.
- I further developed my ability to work efficiently as a team member on many projects with lab partners in University, in particular on a fourth year project involving a roving robot which used Infrared sensors to plot its environment on a PDA.
Work Experience:
Enterprise Architecture Student
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Gatineau, Quebec (Co-op Term, May 2005 - August 2005)
> Created a Perl application to find, collect and organize pertinent web data into a pre-existing group database.
> Updated and partially re-coded an existing PHP web application for improved functionality. This included the manipulation and creation of various tables in a large MySQL database.
> Researched new methods to organize departmental data in a more relational manner.
> Gained a new respect for and understanding of Enterprise Architecture methodology, standards and function.
Web Content Editor
Canadian Institutes for Health Research
Ottawa, Ontario (Part-time Job, February 2005 - April 2005)
> Employed as part of a team to modify static content for compliance with the Government of Canada's web standards.
> Worked with clients to ensure their documents were rendered properly and to their satisfaction.
> Used a customized web-content management system to create and modify pages within a large online system.
Quality Assurance Engineer
LMS (Leuven Measurement Systems) International
Leuven, Belgium (September 2004 - November 2004)
> Tested pre-release versions of noise and vibration testing software to ensure they met quality standards.
> Worked as part of a Quality Assurance team and interacted with the developers to correct bugs in the software.
> Gained a more thorough understanding of the Product Development cycle.
> Gathered stress-testing data on new software releases for the marketing department.
Technical Coordinator / Volunteer Camp Staff
Camp Aush-Bik-Koong
Walford, Ontario (Summers, 1999 - 2005)
> Enjoyed gaining teamwork experience through working with many different staff over several summers to create the best camp environment possible and through mentoring younger cabin leaders.
> Led many separate cabin groups of various ages through a rigorous week of team-building activities.
> Created and maintained Microsoft Access Databases for camp staff and campers.
Volunteer Board Member / Student Worker
Huron Shores Community Access Program
Iron Bridge, Ontario (1996 - 2000)
> Served as a member of the CAP board with the goal of using public funding to establish a center where community members could access the internet and obtain free computer training.
> Provided expertise for the purchase, installation and maintenance of a small network of computers accessing the internet.
> Worked with local businesses and organizations to develop specific web content focusing on their products and services.
> Developed peer-training skills by teaching members of the community basic internet and computer skills.
References available upon request