thus spoke cap'n hook to his young nemesis peter pan. captian hook is not the sort of pirate that i would wish to be like. far too many frills, like his mother had made his costume for him. how lame. that's about as cool as your mom decorating your skateboard. or getting your home ec teacher to stitch the anarchy symbol on your canvas backpack. and c'mon, making enemies with the boy who never gets old? that's just foolish. well, to be fair, i guess i understand how he could see some brat flying around in green tights and talking in a squeaky voice as annoying. hrm. hard to say. i guess it's one of those things that can only be decided when you're in the situation.
anyhow. i brought up the dying thing only to talk about where i went yesterday. yesterday i went with my very kinesiologically astute friend pam j and her younger siblings to
body worlds 2 (dum dum dum). essentially it is naked dead people. however, the vast majority of them don't have skin, which makes it somewhat easier to take. it was fascinating. the human body is incredible. i used to doubt that lever2000 commercial (a type of soap) about washing your body's two thousand parts... but now i believe.
it is so amazing the way that the different systems in our body are packed so compactly and function so well together. there were definitely parts that were sort of creepy, though - bodies and muscles in unnatural postures to show a particular organ or body part better. i was sort of shocked at the little kids that some people were bringing. right near the end of the exhibit i was sitting down and these two little boys (7ish?) were asking their mom if they could finally leave (in a way that made it obvious that they were incredibly grossed out). then one kid says to the other, 'you don't have to look at them anymore,' and he proceeds to try and make his way out of the exhibit with his hands over his eyes. funny.
so, torontonians. you have like 2 days to see it before it leaves. though, i guess if you miss it you could always drive to philidelphia, though, or, fly to germany. gunther, who discovered the method (
plastination) is german. weird that you would call it plastination. that makes me think of playdough. definitely not in the same realm. my discovery of the night? your
colon and your large intestine are really the same thing. aren't you glad? one less bodypart to worry about. i wonder if they factored that in in the soap commercial calculations.